Saturday, 24 October 2009

Colour schemes

Last night i was awake for ages thinking about different colours for everything. I know we have a while to choose everything but i would like to have an good idea in my mind so that it is easier when it comes to choosing later on.

DH and I both like blue (royal blue to navy, not so much lighter blues) and neither of us like the white and black colour schemes that seem to be popular at the moment.

We also plan to have this as an investment at some stage down the track so we want it to be 'us' but also work with other peoples tastes too.

My idea at the moment is cream & light browns (eg latte) with a few dark blue and chocolate highlights.

I'm thinking latte carpet, large cream tiles and cream kitchen cupboards. We both like the idea of blue bench tops but will this be too much?? Should we stick with cream and brown with just a highlight of blue in the tiles?? hmm.

If anyone actually reads this let me know what you think!


  1. Thankyou for the pleasure of reading your blog. Firstly, great use of space for a smaller size house. Just one question, was bedroom 3, once bedroom 1 and if so what made you change around.

    I am also first time builder, but embarking by myself with my two daughters. I am 23 and building in adelaide.

    I like the design of your home and it will be interesting to see the final prduct with all that land on it. My home is only 136sq, so small too and im on 680 sq block. Nice land to work with, nothing like these 300sq block you buy now in the inner cities.

    Also you asked for some opinion on your colour choices. Imo your thinking too many different colours. Cream and latte do look great to gether. Just remeber your house is small so you dont want too many different colours so close together. This is wghat my colour app lady said to me. You can easy get away with it when you are building a large house or two story. I you are thinking investment one day you want colours that are contrast and easy to work with. Blue might sound nice but would it be easy to work with for someone eventually purchasing your home.

    Anyway thats only my thoughts

    once again thankyou

  2. Thanks for your comments jessie :)

    The bedrooms haven't changed, bed one was always at the back. I'm not sure why but it works out well for us as my hubby is a shift worker. It will be good to have our bedroom further from the road and in the cooler part of the house (bed 3 is on western side and closest to street).

    I'm loving the size of our block :) I know itsounds huge compared to most ppl on here but it will be great when we eventually have kids, an outdoor area and a decent garden & vegie patch:)
    (I'm looking forward to landscaping it but that will be a big job!)

    I'm not set on colours yet and interested to hear other opinions. On one hand we could make it all cream/brown for future investment but on other hand we do like blue and we will be living in it for a fair few years so we also want something we like. If DH got his way i think the whole house would be blue! I have been told that neutral suits most ppl. hmm....

    At the moment only blue in bathroom would be a blue/brown mixed vertical feature tile

    I see what you mean about too many colours though. Arghhh... i need to think about it some more and see some examples!!

  3. Hi and like Jesse thanks for the opportunity to read your blog.

    This is our 4th home, although this will be our 1st brand new one. Colours are a personal thing and reflect who you are and as jesse said, dark colours close down small spaces.

    Browns and variations there of are the current colours and very easy to please but black and white is a combination which is current every day of every year. A house we sold 3 years ago had a massive black granite bench top with white high gloss cupboards and was over 8yrs old. The estate agent and the people who bought the house all asked was the kitchen new. Black and white never date.

    If you want to go for a blue, then just do it, after all it's your home, your dream. However why not consider using a product which is not expensive so you only have to do a simple make-over if you want to sell it later and won't cost a fortune. It will also make it look lighter and larger to the buying public.

    With light colours you can use very bold and striking colourful accents to make an impression.

    Hope this confuses you even more.... sorry.

  4. You hope it confuses me? lol

    thanks for the advice. Just wanted to point out that the main colours will be either cream or light brown/latte colour and if we put in some blue & dark brown it will be a feature eg a vertical strip in the shower next to cream tiles, a horizontal line of blue & brown horizontal mixed glass(?) tiles in the kitchen as a feature. We won't be having whole blue rooms or anything like that hehe.

    If you've seen other posts people have a particular colour thsat they use a little bit as a feature. I don't want overkill!

    My main issue was whether a blue kitchen bench was too much, i'm starting to think we should just get something like lunar stone Laminex and just have a strip of the feature colours along the wall.

    I hope you can understand what i mean, i can see it in my head but is hard without pictures. I will endeavour to work out a way to post pics so that i can show you exactly what i mean!!
