Friday, 17 September 2010

We have paint! :)

I made another trip to the house today to see if i could talk to the SS about the second lot of shelves in the main bedroom. I'm glad i did as the builder had once again forgotton to pass this info onto the SS :( Poor guy keeps on getting all these things added or things that he needs to re-do and a lot is simply because he doesn't get the message sent to him. At least this is a simple one to fix - they will put it in tomorrow and the painter will just go over it when they do the next coat.

The bath is in :) It looks quite small at 1560mm (?) but otherwise done well. I like the shelf above it too - this will be very useful.

The painters was there busily working away :) As of lunch time today they have finished spraying the first coat to all ceilings and cornices (in ceiling white) all walls (Hog Bristle 1/4) and doors (Hog Bristle 1/2) I'm not sure how many of the door frames etc were done yet. He was very friendly and helpful, and the paint looked awesome! :D I also noticed that some of the door handles were on the finished doors :) Below: doors and second bedroom cupboard freshly spray painted

I didn't take many photos as I wanted to get out of the painters way so they could get back to work.  Here is the living room. You can see the ceiling & cornices have their first coat of white & walls have their first coat of Hog Bristle. So far so good :) Oh, and i didn't get a pic of the niche in the hall/lounge but it was looking awesome! YAY :)

While i was there the painter told me the sparkies were working on the house across the road. I went over to have a look at the house (very similar design to ours) and they have everything painted  and the tiles in. I asked the electrician for a quad power point at the wall end of the breakfast bar. He said that should be fine, we'll just have to tell the builder AND the SS that it's happening.

News on the shed: the builder has organised a bobcat for tuesday as the ground will be too muddy until then. Let's hope it doesn't rain so we can get the slab done :)

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